Sunday, March 3, 2013

Simply Scrappin'

Hey stampers!  It's been awhile since I've done any scrapbooking, how about you?  We all know we need more hours in a day to do what we have to do and what we want to do, how bout it?

At my upline's meeting yesterday, my good friend, Debi C, shared her Simply Scrappin' Kit class and some of my downline were interested.  Thought I'd ask you what you'd want to do?  She offered 1/2 of the Razzleberry Splash Scrappin' Kit, all the 12x12 pages need to create 10 pages....all ready to pop your pictures into.  Plus, she gave sheet protectors as well!   Is that something you'd be interested?  I'm considering doing it for WOW Wednesday in May. 

Or, we could do a Simply Scrappin' Card Class.....and make a bunch of cards using this scrappin' kit.  We did this class a few years ago and made 15 Christmas cards....and you took the leftovers home to create even MORE cards!

I aim to please, so let me know your thoughts!  Who knows.....there may even be some blog candy in it for you!!!!

Speaking of blog candy, I was slow in picking a blog candy winner from the last time!  That winner is:  Muriel T!!!  Way to go, Muriel.  I'll have your stamp the next time I see you!!!

1 comment:

Barb D said...

I prefer cards, but if you do a scrapping class, I might join in anyway.