Our online extravaganza is continuing this week....so many of you have taken advantage of the great deals. Some of our favorite things are 20-50% off this week!
We began with a bang and will end the same way tomorrow......for 24 hours only....on November 28th, you can purchase the entire clear block bundle for 20% off!
Or perhaps you have the blocks and need the carrying case....awesome, it's 20% off too!

So is our handy, dandy stack and store caddy...20% off!
You can order online at my website: www.jodybrechbill.stampinup.net or just shoot me an email and I'll take care of the rest!
Don't forget to check out all the other stuff....still on sale as well!
As if that wasn't enough......today......just for the fun of it.....a FREE download just for you!
just go HERE to take advantage.......and see what other fun holiday downloads we have!
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